Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Biome Diorama project

Activity #1      Biome Diorama
·         A shoebox
·         Scissors, Glue
·         Magazines, plastic animals or other resource for pictures
·         String, paper, cardboard                                               
1. Choose a biome you want to construct Land biome or Aquatic Biome.
2. Draw or glue pictures of the background of your biome on the inside parts of the shoebox. The shoebox will stand on one side, so the bottom of the box will be your main background.
3. Cut out or draw plants, animals and other things found in that biome. 
4.  Paste those pictures on cardboard and you can stand them on the side part of the box.  Place them in different places around the box to make it look like the biome. You can also use string and hang some from top side.
5. Write a narrative story about what it would be like to live in that biome you chose. Include facts about that biome (example: temperature, precipitation). Mention plant and animal adaptations that allow them to survive in that biome.
The biome chart you made in class.
Textbook: pg 728-735
Coach book: pg 16-21
Websites:     (type “biomes” in search box)
Assignment due:
100 points see rubric.

Diorama Scoring Rubric                                Name ________________________

                                                                                    Date _________________________

Diorama Components



Background ( 25 pts)

Plants  (15 pts)

Animals  (15 pts)

Narrative Story  (45 pts)

Total Points Possible:  100

Total Points Earned:  _____

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